On Saturday night I was listening to ABC Radio National's Awaye! programme and heard a recording of Linda Burney delivering the 7th Vincent Lingiari Memorial Lecture.
She spoke about the state of Indigenous Australians. There's lots of bad news, and one of the facts she mentioned which made me sit up and take notice, and which saddenned and disturbed me was that the life expectancy of an Aboriginal male in Wilcannia, NSW is a meagre 33 years.
Here's a link to the text of her speech.
Want to know more about the grim outlook for an Indigenous male in Wilcannia? Here's a google search result.
[Here's some further biographical notes about Linda Burney and Vincent Lingiari. Lingiari led the Wave Hill Station "walk-off". Here's a link to the National Archives of Australia's holdings on the Wave Hill Walk Off.]
A note for my foreign readers: Indigenous Australians gained the right to vote in Australian Commonwealth and State elections only between 1962 and 1965. Ref here.
Disparity between the living conditions of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians is a sore undercurrent in our society, which can and should be a source of shame to many of us. For example the distressing life expectancy I mention above. And this is in a developed country.
Australia is the 12th largest economy in the world, and has the 11th largest GDP per capita in the world. {OECD figures}
It is our shame.
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