To celebrate its 75th birthday, Old Parliament House called for people, from across Australia, to send in their pictures and stories of the House. The response forms a remarkable collection that tells an unofficial history of this Old Parliament House, and many are now displayed on Flickr as part of Old Parliament House's Photostream "In The Picture" .
This photo was entered by Anthony Scarth ‘The cake was a centrepiece for the Queen's Royal Tour banquet in 1954. Every one of the roses’ details were hand made and finished. Arthur Mueller was a marvellous pastry chef. It took at least 10 weeks to make and was made mostly by Arthur and I helped.’
Mr. Scarth's pride of workmanship is plain.
There's something about working on or in some of our iconic buildings.
The most recent issue (June 2008) of "About The House" magazine has a feature about the 20th anniversary of the opening of the new Parliment House building including interviews with many of the people who built it. Undoubtedly it was one of the high points of their careers.
Interesting to reflect too that 54 years after this photograph was taken Her Majesty The Queen, Elizabth II is still going strong.