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Tuesday, 09 December 2008



sound nice, but....
mariah carey????


sorry for my typing, me german ;)

Bob Meade

I am catering for a variety of people with this mix ... and I have to admit, Mariah carries off that piece quite well.

But the whole concept of having an album of Christmas music means that matters of taste can be suspended anyway.

I have left off a couple of my personal favourites.

For example, Mel Torme co wrote The Christmas Song with Bob Wells, and I'd have to say any of Torme's versions of the song is just about the best there is.

Here's his straight version:


Here's his jazz version:


Here backed with a big band:


Nico, I'm interested in your own choices of Christmas music too. C'mon, let's have it.


run dmc - christmas in the hollies

no, just kidding.
you know... germans and their taste of season music.
it has to be brahms, bruckner and bach!

nothing else, maybe a bit of "white christmas" by bing crosby but not "last christmas". my mum has a really good gospel record for christmas celebration, but she also sings in a curch choir. so it has to be clerical music for me!

Bob Meade

OK, I'll give you a pass on that one.

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