Due to exposure to long-ago active strains for influenza throughout the 20th century, it looks like people born before 1957 have some immunity to the swine flu virus.
"The image above of the newly identified H1N1 influenza virus were taken in the CDC Influenza Laboratory"
The images below of the newly identified H1N1 influenza virus were taken in the CDC Influenza Laboratory
Here is the World Health Organization's swine flu page (in English).
"26 May 2009 -- As of 06:00 GMT, 26 May 2009, 46 countries have officially reported 12 954 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 92 deaths."
Here is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) H1N1 page.
Here is the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing's page on swine flu.