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Tuesday, 10 November 2009


Barbara Cox

My name is Barbara Clare Cox, and my husband Graham is the son of Errol Cox of Eumungerie. We have a framed photo of Joseph Christopher Cox on our lounge room wall. I have been doing the Cox family history for some years now, but only recently started to collect all my documents, photos and information and put them all together into stories. Have any other members of Joseph's family been in touch? I am willing to share and would appreciate any help in return. I already had Joseph's file from the Australian Archives, but I found your article really helpful. Thank you.

Bob Meade

Hi Barbara,
Thanks for getting in touch with me. Joseph Cox is a very distant relative by marriage. I have heard nothing from any other Cox family members. I have little to share but will ask around the family and see what information I can put together.

Could you please contact me on this email address (address split up to fight spammers):



gmail decimal com

Looking forward!

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